From news

28th December 2018
J70 2019
The Jesenická 70 shall not be held in 2019.

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Jesenická 70 2019

Dear Friends of Sports,

after the last successful 30th volume and after deliberate considerations, we have come to the following conclusion regarding the J70: The Jesenická 70 shall not be held in 2019.

It was not an easy decision, however we were governed by a series of reasons.

Organisational reasons on one hand, when the whole preparation and organisation of the J70 is quite demanding and the result rather insecure. Until the very last moment we do not know whether the weather will allow us crossing over the mountain ridge of the Jeseniky mountains. Moreover we also had to face the insecurity whether we are going to be able to agree with all interested parties in such a way that would enable us to organise the race in a quality level that is common at all other comparable races.

Another reason is the obligation of the closest organising team that are not directly linked to the J70, but must be solved in both personal and professional lives.

Also all other members of the current J70 organising team must devote their free time to it and it is very demanding for them. All of them do not claim any reward, that is nowadays quite exceptional thing and we value such attitude immensely. It will not be an easy thing to be able to complement the team in future with other, younger members, who would be able to prepare the J70 for you with same enthusiasm as we have had.

However, the J70 does not end with this decision. We have been prospectively preparing a new concept that we would like to present to you in future. The basis of it we have already tried at this year's volume.

We believe that we will be successful in negotiating changes with all interested parties and it will be possible to prepare the Jesenicka 70 in a totally new format.

We wish you calm and peaceful Christmas, in future a lot of luck and and success not only in this year's ski season.

In the name of the organising team
Michal Hájek


Jesenická 70

The tradition of the J70 ski classic race was renewed after a quarter of a century in 2013. We succeeded to follow up on the traditional J70, that had last been organized in 1990.

The competition shall be held on the 70 km and 40 km tracks.

The race is unique not only due to its lenght, demanding character, overall climb, but also due to the fact that in line with the spirit of the „back to the roots“ tradition there are some stretches that are not groomed. They are beaten only by skis. This is rather exeptional in our modern times, something that makes the J70 compoetition exceptional. This is the real challenge for our competitors they have to tackle on their own.



Classic styl

Is performed on prepared trails utilising techniques of diagonal stride and double poling. Besides these elements it is allowed to side-step (bounce-off with one ski) in a curve, side-step while moving from one trail to another and so called „Herringbone“ (skis in a V-shape on steep climbs), where no glide is allowed. This technique is called Classic or sometimes also Nordic. Not adhering to this may lead to disqualifications.


Weather - Start J70


SILESIA bike marathon


SILESIA kros 1/2marathon


In addition to the 2 competition mentioned above we also organized a 3-day stage mountain bike race JESENÍKY 2000. That time it was the first mountain bike stage race held in the Czech Rep.

We also organize other events.